This is just a throwback post on my cafe hunt adventures with Chi. Me and Chi started this thing where we would go to different cafes here in my town where we live. It is supposed to be every Friday but for this Cafe we went there on a Sunday, because we had a school activity. So anyways this was our first cafe since it was quite new and the cafe just finished decorating. I was thinking of having a criteria to go by so that you guys would know if this cafe is worth visiting. CRITERIA:
Interior and Decorations
INTERIOR AND DECORATIONS:5/5 Interior and decorations I have to give it to them. I wouldn't say it’s minimalist but it kinda is since the cafe is decorated in different kinds of statement pieces. Like 3D puzzled Deer heads, gypsy throw pillows, fairy lights, modern and rustic themed chairs and couches, a brick wall accent to act upon as a background for their logo (sorry I don’t have the pictures to show you all of what I am saying and explaining, but trust me, it's a hundred percent sure that it is all legit and everything that I have mentioned and will mention is there in the cafe.) their color scheme which is pretty sophisticated but not in an intimidating way and let’s not forget that statement wall they have, I mean it’s gives such a cool vibe to the cafe. I personally saw how it was made since during our first visit there they were still decorating the place and the cafe was open to take orders it’s just that the decorations and styling of the cafe wasn’t finished yet. So yeah for me the winner for this cafe is that statement wall. not only is it decorative and fun it also is informative. Yes, I said informative. It is in away of guiding you to what coffee to order if you are new to exploring different kinds of coffee and you have no idea what to get, then this wall will be your buddy on choosing and knowing what to get or if you just want a guide to what their special coffees ae then there is also a selection of that there on that statement wall. It’s a dual purpose, decoration and information. Talk about a double threat. :) FOOD: 4/5 So I gave a 4 since I only order the same thing on their menu. I don’t know why I wasn’t trying anything that time but I will soon (I’ll update you guys on that. Haha) So what I ordered there is a Chicken Grilled Sandwich with BBQ sauce, I know it makes your mouth water. Now that I think about it I kinda get why I ordered the same thing over again. BECAUSE IT WAS FRIGGIN DELICIOUS!! So it has the grilled chicken there, BBQ sauce, lettuce, cheese and also has a side of potato chips with a gravy dipping sauce. Yes, it was AMAZING!!! I also have there a revel bar and it was really cheap too considering it was pretty tasty and I could tell the cocoa they used was not the cheap ones in the market. ( I know cause I bake a lot) We also have there and extra serving of potato chips cause the gravy dipping sauce was amazing and the potato chips were fresh and crisp. Over all I was happy with the food and it also made my tummy. A happy tummy equals to a happy life. :) DRINKS: 5/5 When it was our first trip there I had lemonade and fortunately they had my favorite brand which is Stellina’s. If you never had Stellina's before then you have to try them out. (they are available at 7/11 stores hihi) So yeah I was pretty stoked about that. For the Frappuccinos we both like what we ordered. Mine was a Mocha Frappuccino and Chi’s was a White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino. they were so good you’d want more. I am not even kidding. So this is my Monte Cafe blog, hope it helps you guys and I hope you guys enjoy it.